Lost Season 2

"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C. S. Lewis

As Lost moved from the first season to the second, everything from the story to the feel to the characters grew and changed. How did the quality fare?

Seldom has a show been so different feel from one season to the next. While we deal with (for the most part) the same characters as last season, they continue to develop and evolve so that the ones we felt we had pegged seem like strangers and the ones who had been relegated to background voices take on main focus. One of the great aspects of Lost is the way it is populated by an already large cast for television, but it is not afraid to patiently reveal more about each individual and even add more characters as it goes along.

The style and feel of the series has also changed this season. The first season had a “Cast Away” and “Lord of the Flies” feel; this one manages to move away from a mysterious and scary Nature to more of a strange sci-fi atmosphere with boogey-men as opposed to monsters. The Hatch and The Others take on a more central role than they did in season one.

All in all, after a slowish start, the series actually improves upon its first season.

Thematically, belief and faith take on more significance this season, especially with the addition of Mr. Eko—a strongly silent priest of sorts. He and Locke (the representative of faith in season one) show us different aspects of belief. As they gain more knowledge about the island and its workings Locke’s faith is (temporarily at least) destroyed while Mr. Eko’s is confirmed. It is fascinating to see the same information affecting two people’s faith so differently, but perhaps even more fascinating that we are then able to see what reality has to say about their different takes.

Another aspect of the Eko/Locke dichotomy is the progression of faith that we see. Locke’s faith in both of the seasons so far is little more than Animism, Mr. Eko believes in God.

More stand-out episodes:

What Kate Did:
Notable for the obvious reasons (see the title), but also for the story Mr. Eko tells Locke and the way it is applied to their situation.

The 23rd Psalm:
Mr. Eko’s back-story.

Fire + Water:
Perhaps one of the weaker episodes of the season, but where else are you going to see a mainstream TV show give serious validity to Christian creeds—even if they are misrepresented?

The Long Con:
You have to love any story involving elaborate con jobs.

Two for the Road:
From here on in the season is a nail-biting unstoppable ride to the inevitable cliffhanger that we all know is coming.

This is where the question we have all been asking ourselves about the hatch all season long is answered… or is it? That depends on who you believe: the animist or the Christian.


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