The Gospel According to Lost

By Chris Seay

Lost has been a cultural phenomenon. Even better it has been one that is rooted in thought and an exploration of ideas and meaning. This book offers a Christian perspective on the story for those who have been watching the show and want to dig deeper. It delves into the lives of the various characters viewers have come to know and love for the past five seasons. It also touches on the philosophical and Biblical subtext of the show, explaining some of the background that makes the show so rich.

Lost has also earned a special place in popular culture as a true classic that will likely stand the test of time. It managed to tell its story in the way that it wanted and seems to be ending on its own terms. In the age of DVD and iTunes, people have been able to watch it on their own terms as well. That being said, it is a part of the current Zeitgeist, and that makes this book all the more interesting.

This book is a book for the now. It will probably have a certain degree of limited shelf life. Coming out between the fifth and final seasons of the show, it is very much for the people who have watched the show and are anticipating the end. If you have been waiting until the show ends to get on board, you shouldn’t read this yet, and one imagines it will lack a certain something for readers once they have seen the whole series.

For those of us along for the Lost ride right now, however, this book is a helpful companion.

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On another note, this book is a good example of what this blog and others like to do. Chris Seay says in the afterward that he hears from God through Popular Culture. He also admits he gets strange looks from people in Christian circles when he tells them that. The truth is, though, that millions of people are engaged in the culture of this world, and God uses everything at His disposal to try to connect with people. As Christians it would be a shame to be so disconnected with the dialogue in popular culture that we could never jump in and show people how God’s truth is illustrated there.

It is not often people have approached me asking questions or pointing out things they have wondered about the Bible, but I have often had the chance to share Jesus with people after they have asked me about a movie or TV show.

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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Book Review Blogger program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. I just had a great conversation yesterday with a non-christian about all this....I was trying to tell her exactly what you have stated here. That if we don't know about what the world is doing, how can we lead them to Him??!! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. That reminds me of a great story that happened to us last month. Too long for a comment. Look for it as a post next week!

  3. Plenty of Losties/fans would want to read this book especially if you haven't watch season 6 yet or wanting to have more excitements as many answers unfold.

    I enjoyed reading the book. Now I'm searching and wondering where I placed my DVDs for season 4....


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