Revelation: Scripture vs. Mysticism Part 1 (Tossing the Baby Out With the Bathwater.)

Ever say something you didn’t quite mean in reaction to something you disagreed with? Go to far to make a point? Maybe that’s what this was.

A man I know has come to the point where he sees that the Church’s biggest problem is that most have turned to a Hellenistic model of head knowledge valued over everything else. However, instead of calling for a more Biblical model of discipleship built on obedience rather than knowledge, he is calling for radical turning to God—directly and largely bypassing the Bible. He insists that the Church should just come to God in silence and wait for Him to speak to their hearts. No more Bible Study. No more organized or preplanned approaches. No more leaders. Just everyone tapped into God speaking directly to the body. Someone gets a word; they share it.

In principle this may not be all bad. However, what about new Christians who are not familiar enough with God’s special revelation to know the principles of spiritual living? What about all the false signals that are bound to be received?

Yes the church in the world today is an imperfect mixture of the saved and the fakers—but tossing out the scripture is not the answer to that problem. Scripture is not the problem. Interpretations of Scripture, approaches that elevate head knowledge are the problem.

Part 2 (No Mind Numbed Robots!)
Part 3 (Be a Berean)


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