1 Corinthians 4:6-21 (Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Discipleship)

All of this teaching about the message and messengers of the cross is not just a local problem in Corinth in Paul’s day, but apply to all time everywhere. Paul and Apollos were just examples. We have others today.

Paul was not simply concerned with the divisions he saw in the church. A greater concern was that the people who were being “idolized” in Corinth were still not being imitated. Those who have been set apart for the Gospel have a challenging life, but would like their example to be followed because: a) that is the pattern Christ set up and b) the rewards are also great.

Therein lies the problem that persists to this day. Instead of believers being discipled by individuals in their local fellowship, masses are turning to celebrity teachers who are not being imitated but merely listened to. Countless Christians today see the spiritual life as an endless accumulation of knowledge. Read the latest book. Listen to the most popular preachers. Learn all you can. The only problem is that the popular teaching ends there. It does not lead to changed lives or an obedient following of Biblical teaching.


  1. I'm in total agreement! And the church has imitated society---celebrity idol worship.


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