
Soaring along in the blue,
Like flying above the whitewashed sand.
Every once in a while I take the plunge,
And go to the bottom, just because I can.

Weightless, refreshing, invading an alien world,
Amid jewels flitting through bright green trees,
I kick even deeper and fly over a cliff,
Seeking treasures and adventures in secret seas.

Suddenly I sense without even seeing,
Strange perceptions I can’t hope to explain,
Turn to see the shape larger than terror,
Don’t know whether to panic or faint.

Too slow in its element; I feel its bite hit my middle.
I wonder if I’ll feel pain before I’m dead.
Then ask myself how I can possibly be breathing?
And I wake up to the fact that I’ve wet the bed.


  1. I laughed so hard at this. You should really publish some of these. And, by the way, I have a big fear of sharks...the main reason I didn't want to move to Florida. Luckily, I have not yet encountered one.


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