On the Occasion of Our First Lord's Supper

“Though we're strangers, still I love you
I love you more than your mask
And you know you have to trust this to be true
And I know that's much to ask
But lay down your fears, come and join this feast
He has called us here, you and me

And though I love you, still we're strangers
Prisoners in these lonely hearts
And though our blindness separates us
Still His light shines in the dark
And His outstretched arms are still strong enough to reach
Behind these prison bars to set us free

So may peace rain down from Heaven
Like little pieces of the sky
Little keepers of the promise
Falling on these souls the drought has dried
In His Blood and in His Body
In this Bread and in this Wine
Peace to you
Peace of Christ to you”

“Peace” by Rich Mullins

This song by Rich Mullins is one of those perfect songs. The beautiful imagery in the poetry that still communicates clearly set to the music that moves one and strengthens the message. It is a great meditative piece for a pre-Lord’s Supper moment.

Rich is calling here for peace within the Body. The Lord’s Supper reminds us of our peace with God achieved by Christ’s work on the cross. In light of that peace that God obtained at so great a cost, can’t we maintain peace here within the Body of Christ?

Jesus called on us to seek forgiveness and a right relationship with our fellow believers before we worship God. Paul said that many were dead as a result of participating in the Lord’s Supper without repentance. We lack this peace in the Body today. And this is not a call for uniformity of practice or understanding, but love within the fellowship in spite of our variety.


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