2001 in Film

2001 brought fantasy films into their own. The genre has pretty much single-handedly kept the movie industry afloat through the entire decade. But it also was simply a great year for movies. After Crouching Tiger’s success the previous year, foreign films saw a taste of mainstream popularity… or nearly did. Bill Paxton pulled off a unique and compelling twist on the supernatural thriller in Frailty, but perhaps the most memorable moment in theaters for me was Hannibal. Rather than being the edge-of-your-seat thrill that its predecessor was, it induced out-loud laughing. A case of horrible not horrorific.


Top 10 Personal Movies of 2001
*. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (more)
2. Ocean’s Eleven
3. Monster’s Inc.
4. Moulin Rouge
5. Amelie
6. El Espinazo del Diablo
7. Le Pacte des loups
8. Frailty
9. The Others
10. A Beautiful Mind

Bottom 5 Personal Movies of 2001
1. Hannibal
2. Meggido: The Omega Code 2
3. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavre
4. Zoolander
5. Scary Movie 2

Top Movies I Still Most Want to See or Revisit
1. The Fountain
2. Black Hawk Down
3. Donnie Darko (seen)
4. A Knight’s Tale


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