1 Corinthians 1:1-9 (Thank God)

“God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1:9

Paul spent much of his second missionary journey in Corinth. From there he likely penned the first of his letters to churches, and there he founded a church, spending more time with it than he had any of his previous church plants. We read in acts that he then went to Ephesus, and (after a short trip home) set out on his third effort to that city. While in Ephesus, he was prompted to write to the church he founded in Corinth to deal with some things he heard coming from there and answer some questions they had as well. Reading the first Corinthian letter, one gets the impression that things were not in the best shape in the Corinthian church.

That is why it is interesting to see that Paul begins his letter to them thanking God. He is thankful that God and His faithfulness sanctifies the church. It is not dependant on anything we do or are. The Church is the Church because God has bought it with the blood of His Son. Believers are saints—not because we live a great life, do more good than evil, perform at least three miracles and skip purgatory—but because God has declared us to be and applied His grace to our lives.

We are righteous because God is. We have received from Him everything we need. We are lacking in nothing. This is who we are. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that there is something more you need beyond the Grace of God. Beyond the Gospel, there is no further blessing. It is sufficient.


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