Worship Through Instrument

Take six measures of 4/4 in the key of C—C to F to G to Am back through G to C—repeat it over and over again starting out quietly and increase the intensity, the instrumentation, and the emotion. Such a simple thing can bring such great pleasure; especially if you get to play along. It is one thing to sing in a crowd, the bigger the better. But if you get to experience worship through playing an instrument, it can put you off singing forever. Every one ought to learn to play an instrument if for no other reason than to use that ability in worship.

The above example can be found on the album “Everything Glorious” track 13. “Our God reigns. Our God reigns. Forever Your Kingdom reigns.” Six and a half minutes of it. There is also a good example on Hillsong United’s “Look To You” album where they sing the chorus of “Awesome God” for five and a half minutes. This sort of worship can be very exciting and non-repetitive when you are a part of the band. The building, and grooving, and give and take are a really joyful and worshipful experience.

There are plenty of elements in the modern Praise and Worship movement that are problematic (the question of whether God or the music is the object of worship, the celebrity aspects, and the commercialism of it all just to name a few) but, repetitiveness is not necessarily one of them. Sometimes, a repetitive chant of truth can be an amazing thing. Apparently God has ordained some angels to do it for all of eternity. Who knows? In the timelessness of eternity there may be a good amount of it in our future and that could be a good thing—if we get to play along.


  1. Interesting. I hadn't connected the cherubim's "Holy" repetition in this sense.


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