Films to See in 2009

Okay, so 2008 was a somewhat disappointing year for film all around. (More on that in another entry when the 2008 film season is closer to a true end.) Hopefully 2009 will be a little better, but it is hard to tell. There is reason for hope, though. Here are a twenty 2009 movies to look forward to, either because they may be a source of good spiritual-philosophical dialogue or they just look cool.

The International
Probably a let down, but Clive Owen and the trailer are enough to raise interest.


Will it be released on time? Will it live up to the classic status of the book? Will anyone go see it?

Monsters vs. Aliens
and Up
DreamWorks has been hit or miss, Pixar has yet to truly stumble. Will Disney itself ever have an animated film worth seeing again? The Princess and the Frog? Please.


The director made a very good movie called Dark City. This one looks like it might have some thought to it as well.

X Men Origins: Wolverine

Does this one need any comment?

State of Play

Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, and political intrigue.

Star. Trek.


Angels and Demons

Will this one be as boring as the DaVinci Code, or will it have some action to go with the obviously conceived conspiracy theories?

Terminator: Salvation

With a planned trilogy, we may see more of Christian Baleā€™s John Connor than his Bruce Wayne.

The Brothers Bloom

This just looks fun.

G.I.Joe The Rise of Cobra

I was a kid in the eighties.

Jenniferā€™s Body

A cheerleader possessed by a demon starts feeding on boysā€¦ sounds funny.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Terry Gilliam.

The Informant

Steven Soderbergh directing and Matt Damon in a fat suit.

The Surrogates

Bruce Willis and Science Fiction.

The Wolfman

A remake of a classic. That means a potential for disaster or passable entertainment.

The Box

This one will either stink or be very deep, maybe both.


James Cameronā€™s much awaited sci-fi mind-blower.

And then, three that are at the top of Nonmodernā€™s list of films to see in 2009:

3. Sherlock Holmes
Directed by Guy Ritchie, staring Robert Downy, Jr. and Jude Law

2. Where the Wild Things Are
Directed by Spike Jonze

1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


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