Polar Bears, Rejoice!

Last year was the tenth year since the hottest on record. 1998 was bad, but the good news is temperatures have been lower ever since. Now comes the news that 1997 saw a huge decrease in temperature, enough to drop the global average back from the one-degree gain seen over the past 100 years.

This will not likely change much with the Global Warming, sorry, Climate Change crowd. That name change is due to the fact that climate is always in flux, and the political force behind this movement was smart enough to realize that if they wanted to control people, they would need to account for the inevitable cooling that would come from time to time.

Summer is on its way for the northern hemisphere, and get ready for stories of temperatures going up. (They tend to do that on their own in summertime, but the masses can be counted on to accept the theory that they are to blame for the warming.) If someone really wanted to hold something over people, they would start a scare about Global Cooling. Human society will find it easy and even beneficial in most cases to adapt to a degree or two of warming. There are all sorts of benefits: more useful cropland, better growing seasons, fewer Hurricanes, etc. What we can’t adapt to so easily would be a degree or two of cooling. Food shortages alone…

Climate changes. We may like to think that we hold some great power or influence over this planet, but just the opposite is true. In fact, that ball of fire 150 million kilometers away can do more in one year to change Earth temperatures than all the carbon dioxide released by humanity in 100 years. (The Earth, by the way, comes up with 100 times more greenhouse causing elements in the atmosphere on its own.)


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