
Showing posts from January, 2008

Father Al

J.J. Abrams, Cloverfield, Star Trek, and the Teaser

Driving in Europe, and Salzburg

Acts: Healing (3:1-9)

Top Ten Films: Part Ten

Convenience? Whassat?

Top Ten Films: Part Nine

Leipzig, First Impressions

Acts: The Early Church (2:42)


Self-Reliance vs. Independence

Three Unforgettable Meals

Top Ten Films: Part Eight

Acts: Pentecost (2:1-41)

NonModern Rules

Cry, Baby, Cry! Exploitation... Seriously?

Top Ten Films: Part Seven

Prague: "The Most Beautiful Large European City"

Acts, Introduction (1:1,2)

Top Ten Films: Part Six

Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror--the Greatest of Genres

The Straight Poop

Dresden, New Year's Eve